Legislature(1997 - 1998)

01/26/1998 09:02 AM Senate FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
               SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE                                        
                   26 January 1998                                             
                      9:02 A.M.                                                
SFC-98, #7, Sides 1 and 2                                                      
CALL TO ORDER                                                                  
Senator Bert Sharp, Co-chair, convened the meeting at                          
approximately 9:02 a.m.                                                        
In addition to Co-chairman Sharp, Senators Pearce, Phillips,                   
Torgerson and Adams were present.  Senators Donley and                         
Parnell were not present.                                                      
Also Attending:  Senator Jerry Ward; Craig Johnson, staff to                   
Senator Ward; Theodore Chandler, Vice-President Housing                        
Impact for Fannie Mae; Danielle  Loper, Division of                            
Personnel Labor Relations, Department of Administration;                       
Pamela LaBolle, President, Alaska State Chamber of Commerce;                   
Peter A. Bushre, Chief Financial Officer, Alaska Permanent                     
Fund Corporation, Department of Revenue; Jim Kelly, Research                   
and Liaison Officer, Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation,                        
Department of Revenue; Ginger Patton, Fiscal Analyst,                          
Division of Legislative Finance; aides to committee members                    
and other legislative members.                                                 
via Teleconference:  Stephen Routh, Esq., from Anchorage.                      
SUMMARY INFORMATION                                                            
 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 265(STA) am                                             
An Act relating to pamphlets, publications, plans, and                         
records of state agencies; and relating to reports to                          
and from state agencies and the governor.                                      
Representative Terry Martin was invited to join the                            
committee and he reviewed his sponsor statement.  Co-chair                     
Sharp REPORTED OUT CSHB 265(STA)am without objection from                      
the committee and zero fiscal notes from the Department of                     
Commerce and Economic Development and the Department of                        
Environmental Conservation.                                                    
 SENATE BILL NO. 221                                                           
An Act relating to negatively amortizing loans                                 
originated under a program approved or sponsored                               
by the state or federal government.                                            
Theodore Chandler, Vice-President Housing Impact for Fannie                    
Mae was invited to join the committee and explained SB 221.                    
Mr. Stephen Routh, Esq., Anchorage Attorney also testified                     
via teleconference.  Senator Phillips moved amendments #1                      
and #2 and without objection both were adopted.  Senator                       
Sharp moved CSSB 221(FIN) with zero fiscal notes and                           
individual recommendations and without objection it was                        
reported out; zero fiscal note from the Department of                          
Commerce and Economic Development.                                             
 SENATE BILL NO. 209                                                           
An Act relating to the Task Force on Privatization; and                        
providing for an effective date.                                               
Senator Jerry Ward was invited to join the committee and he                    
reviewed his sponsor statement.  Danielle Loper, Division of                   
Personnel Labor Relations, Department of Administration                        
testified on behalf of the bill.  Pamela LaBolle, President,                   
Alaska State Chamber of Commerce also testified before the                     
committee on behalf of the bill.  Senator Pearce moved SB
220 with individual recommendations and without objection it                   
was REPORTED OUT with individual recommendations and $25.3                     
fiscal note from Legislative Affairs Agency and ** fiscal                      
note from Office of Management and Budget.                                     
 SENATE BILL NO. 220                                                           
An Act making a supplemental appropriation to the                              
Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation; and providing for an                        
effective date.                                                                
Jim Kelly and Peter Bushre from the Alaska Permanent Fund                      
Corporation were invited to join the committee and testified                   
on behalf of the bill.  Senator Torgerson moved amendment                      
amount of $4,494,000 under general funds and also line 4 of                    
page one ; without objection it was adopted.  Senator Adams                    
moved CSSB 220(FIN) and without objection it was REPORTED                      
Co-chair Pearce recessed the meeting at 10:15 a.m. noting                      
time of 8:00 a.m. for tomorrow's meeting.                                      
SFC-98 1 1/26/98                                                               

Document Name Date/Time Subjects